We will help you in your next choice when it comes to rent apartments in the city, mountain or beach.
This website belongs to the company Cetecoor S.L. whose purpose synthetically speaking is mediation in real estate operations of housing provided by a company managing real estate of proprietary goods and acting against their clients and different landlords as an intermediary and does not works of maintenance, delivery of keys, cleaning, etc.
We carry out intermediation so that you can carry out your lease in the desired location.
We have developed this site so that you find both practical and economical, the information that may be more useful to choose housing that best fits your comfort or economy. So you must only choose the place, date of occupancy and the characteristics of the desired housing.
You will discover places that previously did not know, in every place you will be able to see the variety of accommodation we have, and thanks to the update photographs, you will see which of them best suits your needs.